Höstterminen 2017
Kurstillfälle Medel/Avancerad
Söndagar 17.30-19.15Lätt
Måndagar 17.15-18.45Nybörjare fortsättning
Måndagar 19-20.30PRO-Årsunda
Måndagar 17-18.30
1 27/8 17.30-20.15
Slowly, Gently, Softly (SGS)
You're Amazing28/8 Repetition 28/8 Repetition OBS TISDAG 18/9
2 3/9 17.30-20.15 Repetition 4/9 Repetition 4/9 Repetition OBS TISDAG 26/9
3 10/9 Taking Care Of You 11/9
The Most Beautiful Girl11/9 Ghost Train 2/10 Repetition
4 17/9 Throwback Love
Veckans Goding:
No Man's Land18/9 Nancy Mulligan 18/9 Zjozzys Funk 16/10 The Most Beautiful Girl
5 24/9 Repetition
Veckans Goding:
Reflection25/9 Repetition 25/9 Repetition 23/10 Repetition
6 1/10 First Thing First
Veckans Goding:
Don't Make Me Suffer2/10 Versace 2/10 Sweetie 6/11 Vi dansar vidare...
7 8/10 Repetition
Bonus: Versace9/10 She Sets The City On Fire 9/10 Repetition 13/11 My Pretty Belinda
8 15/10 Önskedanser 16/10 Repetition 16/10 The Most Beautiful Girl 20/11 Dans
9 22/10 Kl 15.30-17.30
Kl 17.30-19.15
Run Me Like A River23/10 True Believer! 23/10 My Pretty Belinda 26/11 Dans
10 5/11 Safe In These Arms
Clap Snap30/10 Repetition 30/10 Repetition 4/12 Avslutning
11 12/11 16.30-17.30 Bonustimme
med Önskedanser
Kurstid: Hurts Like A Cha Cha6/11 Oh Snap! 6/11 Heart Of An Angel
12 19/11 15.30-17.30
"Anna Danser"
Workshop I Don't Wanna Talk
Kurstid: Repetition13/11 Repetition 13/11 Repetition
13 26/11 17.00 Repetition av Anna.
Kurstid: The Last Word20/11 Babylon 20/11 Let It Swing
14 3/12 17-19.15 Repetition(Anna börjar) och önskedanser
Bonus: Lonely Drum27/11 Lonely Drum 27/11 Beyond The Blue
EXTRA 10/12 Danslista 4/12 Repetition 4/12 Repetition
Gemensam Avslutning Måndagen den 11/12 Kl 17.30-20.00 Välkomna!
Vårterminen 2017
Kurstillfälle Medel/Avancerad
Söndagar 17.30-19.15
Måndagar 17.15-18.45Nybörjare
Måndagar 19-20.30PRO-Årsunda
Måndagar 17-18.30
1 15/1 Vegas Baby 16/1 Repetition 30/1 Lindi Shuffle
Cut A Rug9/1 Repetition
2 22/1 Repetition 23/1 Gypsy Queen 6/2 Driftaway Cha Cha 16/1 Cut A Rug
3 29/1 Pink Champagne 30/1Vegas Baby 13/2 D.H.S.S 30/1 Bosa Nova
4 5/2 Look Good Again 6/2 Repetition 20/2 Repetition 6/2 Repetition
5 12/2 Stomp Your Feet 13/2 Ta Mig Tillbaka 27/2 Come Dance With Me 13/2 Repetition
6 19/2 Repetition 20/2 The Queen 6/3 Repetition 20/2 Pop Da Booty
7 26/2 Kl 16.30-17.30
All Shapes & Sizes
Ordinarie kurstid:
The Queen27/2 Repetition 13/3 Irish Stew
27/2 Repetition
8 5/3 Happily Ever After 6/3 Let It Swing 20/3 Cowboy Charleston
The Rose (EZ)13/3 Irish Stew
9 12/3 Human After All 13/3 Almost Human 27/3 Repetition 20/3 Repetition
10 19/3 15.30 Årsmöte! (med dans)
Workshop: Ain't Giving
Kurstid: Repetition20/3 Repetition 3/4 Dream On 27/3 Avslutning
11 26/3 Kl 16.30-17.30 I Don't Mind
Ordinarie Kurstid: Shady27/3 Ghost Train 10/4 Pop Da Booty (Stepsheet) Video ---
12 2/4 Thumbs Up 3/4 Don't Be A Fool 24/4 Repetition ---
13 9/4 Kl 17.15-20 Danslista och Repetition 10/4 Repetition --- ---
14 23/4 I Can't Go On
I Got A Woman24/4 Repetition --- ---
Extra: 7/5 Kl 18-20 8/5 Kl 17.15-18.45 8/5 Kl 19-20.30 ---
Extra: 14/5 Alla Grupper:
Our Issues
As I Lay Me Down
Drinking Problem
Drunken Dreams